Volunteer Staff
Church Administrator: Laura Wilson - wilsonlauralynn@gmail.com
Asst. Chanters: Laura Wilson, Mary Fox, Lydia Cox
Children's Education Coordinator: Mary Fox
Antiochian Women Chair: Christen Harper
Antiochian Men Chair: John Whiteside
Young Adult Chair: Alex Rhody
Teen SOYO President: Lydia Cox
Current Mission Council
Fr. Matthew Snowden, Jesse Cox (President), Ian Kleinsasser (Vice President), Mary Fox (Secretary), Alyson Violette (Treasurer), Brandon Harper (Co-Treasurer), Andrew Gitchell, Kh. Hannah Snowden. Book Keeper: John Wilson
The mission council consists of clergy and laity from the parish who rotate as needed. The council meets monthly to advise and assist the pastor in the oversight of various aspects of parochial life. Mission Council meetings are open to all parishioners.