We follow the same general schedule each year as we are able; although some dates vary.
Clean Week, (Marcy 17-March 23 2024)
Sunday, 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy,
1:00 PM: Forgiveness Vespers after coffee hour
Monday, 5:30 PM: Great Compline with Great Canon
Wednesday, 5:30 PM: Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Friday, 5:30 PM: Akathist Hymn
Saturday, 6:00 Great Vespers; Confession after the service
Week 2: (Mar 24-30)
Sunday, 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy: Orthodox Sunday, Procession with icons
Monday: 8:00 AM/9:00 AM: Orthros and Divine Liturgy for Annunciation.
Wednesday: 5:30 PM: Lenten Vespers
Friday, 5:30 PM: Akathist Hymn
Saturday, 6:00 Great Vespers;Confession after the service
Week 3: (Mar 31-Apr 6)
Sunday, 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy: Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas
Wednesday, 5:30 PM: Presanctified Divine Liturgy
Friday, 5:30 PM: Akathist Hymn
Saturday, 6:00 Great Vespers; Confession after the service
Week 4: (Apr 7-13)Sunday, 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy: Sunday of the Cross, Procession of the Cross
Wednesday, 5:30 PM: Lenten Vespers
Friday, 5:30 PM: Akathist Hymn
Saturday, 6:00 Great Vespers; Confession after the service
Week 5: (Apr 14-20)
Sunday, 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy: Sunday of St. John Climacus
Wednesday, 5:30 PM: Little Compline with the Canon and the Life of St Mary of Egypt
Friday, 5:30 PM: Akathist Hymn
Saturday, 6:00 Great Vespers; Confession after the service
Week 6: (Apr 21-27)
Sunday, 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy: Sunday of St. Mary of Egypt
Wednesday, 5:30 PM: Lenten Vespers
Friday, 5:30 PM: Little Compline with the Canon of Lazarus
Saturday, 9:00 AM/10:00 AM: Orthros and Divine Liturgy for Lazarus Saturday followed by festivities;
6:00 Great Vespers; Confession after the service
Holy Week: April 28-May 4, 2024
(See photos and learn about the services of Holy Week)
Sunday, 10:00 AM: Divine Liturgy for Palm Sunday,
5:30 PM: Bridegroom Orthros
Monday, 5:30 PM: Bridegroom Orthros
Tuesday, 5:30 PM: Bridegroom Orthros
Wednesday, 5:30 PM: Holy Unction
Thursday, 9:00 AM: Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil;
5:30 PM: 12 Gospels Orthros
Friday, 9:00 AM: Royal Hours of Holy Friday;
3:00 PM: Vespers of the Unnailing (Vigil begins);
5:30 PM - Lamentation Orthros
Saturday, 10:00 AM: Vesperal Liturgy & Sacrament of Holy Baptism
10:30 PM: Paschal Services (The Saturday, 10:30 PM service is THE Easter Service! Take a nap on Saturday afternoon, bring your Easter basket to the church, and join us as we celebrate the resurrection and feast into the night!)
Pascha Sunday (May 5, 2024), 1:00 PM: Agape Vespers and Picnic